Premios Virtual Compassionate Care 2020
jue, 23 jul
This celebratory event recognizes exemplary care given to someone who has experienced pregnancy or infant loss.

Time & Location
23 jul 2020, 7:00 p. m.
About the Event
Every year we receive many inspiring stories of compassionate care given to members of our community during some of their darkest times. It is never easy for a parent to have to say goodbye to their much wanted baby but these caregivers help make it less awful for families experiencing this tragic loss.
It is heartwarming that every year so many people in our community are moved enough by their medical support caregivers that they nominate them to receive this award.
The 2020 Compassionate Care Award Recipients are: Dr. David Schmidt and Dr. Jacob McPadden We wish we could honor these caregivers as we usually do, but this year we have to weigh or desire to personally thank and celebrate our recipients with public health concerns.
Please join us on July 23rd for a virtual awards ceremony. Anyone who makes a donation* towards this event will receive a password to attend the virtual event that will premiere at 7PM.
*The suggested donation is $50. All $50+ donors will receive a keepsake and have the option to have a thank you card sent to a caregiver of their choice.